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Wong, F.K., Favuzzi, E., The brain's polymath: Emerging roles of microglia through brain development

Current Opinion in Neurobiology 79, 102700



Wong, F.K.*, Fei J.F.*, Mora-Bermúdez, F., Taverna, E., Haffner, C., Fu, J., Anastassiadis, K., Stewart, A.F., Huttner, W.B. (2015) Sustained Pax6 expression generates primate-like basal radial glia in developing mouse neocortex. 

PLoS Biol. 13(8): e1002217


Media Coverage

Switching mouse neural stem cells to a primate-like behaviour (Max-Planck-Gessellshaft)

Take Pax6 for a cortical 6-pack (PLoS Biology)

Mouse brain cells made primate-like (Nature)

How to create a genius mouse (Kurzweil)

Genetic tweak makes mouse brain cells behave like primates' (IFLScience)


Florio, M., Albert, M., Taverna, E., Namba, T., Brandl, H., Lewitus, E., Haffner, C., Sykes, A., Wong, F.K., Peters, J., Guhr, E., Klemroth, S., Prüfer, K., Kelso, J., Naumann, R., Nüsslein, I., Dahl, A., Lachmann, R., Pääbo, S., and Huttner, W.B., (2015) Human-specific gene ARHGAP11B promotes basal progenitor amplification and neocortex expansion. 

Science. 347(6228):1465-1470


Kalebic, N.*, Taverna, E.*, Tavano, S., Wong, F.K., Suchold, D., Winkler, S., Huttner, W.B., Sarov, M. (2016) CRISPR/Cas9-induced disruption of gene expression in mouse embryonic brain and single neural stem cells in vivo. 

EMBO Rep. 17(3):338-348


Wong, F.K.*, Bercsenyi, K.*, Sreenivasan, V., Portales A., Fernandez-Otero, M., Marín O., (2018) Pyramidal cell regulation of interneuron survival sculpts cortical networks. 

Nature. 557:668-673 


Media coverage

How to build a brain: discovery solves evolutionary mystery (King's College London)

Scientists explain how human brains grew so big (Financial Times)

Episode 277 - Breaking down the brain and figuring out how the pieces work (Lagrange Point)




Llorca, A., Ciceri, G., Beattie, R., Wong F.K., Diana, G., Serafemidou, E., Fernandez-Otero, M., Streicher, C., Arnold, S.J., Meyer, M., Hippenmeyer, S., Maravall, M., Marin, O. (2019) A stochastic framework of neurogenesis underlies the assembly of neocortical cytoarchitecture.

eLife 8;e5138


Wong, F.K. and Marín, O. (2019) Developmental Cell Death in the Cerebral Cortex. 

Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 35-534-543


Wong, F.K., Selten, M., Roses-Novella, C., Sreenivasan, V., Pallas-Bazarra, N., Serafeimidou-Pouliou, E., Hanusz-Godoy, A., Oozeer, F., Edwards, E., Marín, O. (2022) Serotonergic regulation of bipolar cell survival in the developing cerebral cortex

Cell Reports 40, 111037




Wong, F.K., Haffner, C., Huttner, W.B., Taverna, E., (2014) Microinjection of membrane-impermeable molecules into single neural stem cells in brain tissue. 

Nat. Protoc. 9(5):1170-1182


Stenzel, D., Wilsch-Bräuninger, M., Wong, F.K., Heuer, H., Huttner, W.B., (2014) Integrin αvβ3 and thyroid hormones promotes expansion of progenitors in embryonic neocortex. 

Development. 141(4): 795-806



Wong F.K., Lee S.H., Atcha, Z., Ong, A.B., Pemberton, D.J., Chen, W.S., (2010) Rasagiline improves learning and memory in young healthy rats. 

Behav. Pharmacol. 21(4): 278-282



Atcha, Z., Chen, W.S., Ong, A., Wong, F.K., Neo, A., Browne, E., Witherington, J., Pemberton, D.J., (2009) Cognitive enhancing effects of ghrelin receptor agonists. 

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 206(3): 415-427


Fong Kuan Wong Ph.D.

Division of Developmental Biology and Medicine

School of Medical Sciences

Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health

University of Manchester


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